Friday, September 29, 2006


meeting sam. sam knowing lots of people from wycombe.
The hoff on radio one


Thursday, September 28, 2006


Nice screensaver kate

decisions decisions


A really nice, funny, chilled out meal with my family...


Tuesday, September 26, 2006


'hey Big Dog,
hope alls good in da hood [blah blah blah] just enjoyin chilling too much. Hope guildfords da hizzy jizzy bomb da diggy (i have no idea what that might mean!)
much love dude
Love Dog'

looks like someone put 2 and 2 together and came up with och we were so unlucky

Monday, September 25, 2006


Committee meetings that start ON TIME and with EVERYONE there! I'm not sure i can cope with such a culture shock.

'what next? a polka version of basketcase?...oh'

maybe i am a soldier

Sunday, September 24, 2006


Being at a church so small that i could sit on the front row and three rows from the back simultaneously.

Henk's unprovoked anti Smallville rant: 'that kid needs to learn...he's never gunna fly right? Even if they make 112 series'

Being invited to join the 2006/7 Relay workers Facebook group. Oh yes.

the pitch and yaw of satelites

Saturday, September 23, 2006


Me: 'the thing about Texans is that they're so polite

Mum: 'all americans when i met blink 182'

Me: 'eh? you met WHO?'

Mum: 'blink 182'


(Cate walks in)

Me: 'look, mums telling this ridiculous story about when she met blink 182'

Cate: 'thats right, outside m&s in London'

Mum: 'they got out of a taxi and asked us if they could buy hair straighteners'

Me: 'I am beyond incredulous'

skank it up



some of my best friends are traceys

Thursday, September 21, 2006


Meeting Brian. Great to spend time with a guy and get excited about church.

The view of Guildford from the huge window in Starbucks

Being back in a CU meeting again



Ed saw history being made

Ed thought about the cross and it made him happy

Ed looked at the stars and was amazed

i'll never falter now that we're even

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


systematic theology makes me want to read the Bible more and more

hanging out with ben

'what are you talking about...there're aren't any planets that begin with E'

put your hands up

Monday, September 18, 2006


Sitting in a student cafe bar with a Bible open...*bang bang*

Loving being on a campus full of students

Meeting someone to take to church on sunday

Being excited about studying 'the neccesity of doctrine' tomorrow

the epic chill out drive home provided by thom yorke and a warm september evening

scott's email

algebra won't save you this time

Sunday, September 17, 2006


Turning the corner of Wharf Road this morning, seeing a group of flamboyantly dressed African ladies and thinking 'this must be church then'

'ah you're Ed...the UCCF guy'

knowing that all the things i said to a fellow Relay in a text are also true for me.

its easier this way but also its harder

Saturday, September 16, 2006


Hopkins' letter

Seeing scott get excited about local church and CUs

Listening to the football results in the car coming home and realising Wycombe are top of League 2.

Dave and his mates being well dressed up.

In Utero

Drews text.

i think i'm dumb

Friday, September 15, 2006


Teaming it up in Reading

The immense Christian hospitality we recieved

Regional prayer

group prayer

staying with the Fairbarns

eating with the Greens

world mission

church history

gnosticism being wrong

'what are your cultural Gareths?'

Olly and the dolly

Dan Hames letting us get what we want

throwing shapes in the car on the way home

which one Con?


Not getting home from various west country exploits until about 2am...but that being ok,

something kind of ooh

Monday, September 11, 2006


Mammoth conversations with Anna. Anna being happy in Holland

Relay emails

Getting to know my housemates

Thom Yorke

[insert italics here]

Sunday, September 10, 2006


Basically everything about Fam today...what Sean said to me, what Sean said to my mum, being prayed for, my mum liking it, everyone saying goodbye, (almost) managing not to cry, scott's mammoth manhug at the end...


praying for the service Cranleigh Baptist Church thinking 'hmm i'm at work, how cool', then doing a uccf speil during the service thinking 'this is my job...wicked', then helping Bish and Gareth pack away the uccf stall at the church thinking 'i actually love my job already'

i'll never go there, i've come to terms with it now

Saturday, September 09, 2006


Pink trouble
Moon trouble
Relay texts.

i miss quinta in every way

Friday, September 08, 2006


Whats Naomis name?
Lunch time post 'now most of this is boring so i won't read it out'
bible chopsticks
'blood blood blood blood'
let us consider together
Kapil as John Stott
would you rathers
Penteconst pudding
Naomi vs Arlington 'cakegate'
Group therapy
look listen learn
Mike Jason and Ed : single 'for the Gospel'
turret/landing times
grace (grace grace grace)
interactive sound of music
Jason's face during the purple joke
The whole Irish team, particulaly Cuxie, particulaly sunday morning
Dan Hames
Dan Hames being glad
quiet times and prayer cells
Fellowship Group 11
Small Group 24
400 pesky students
it always rains in wales
talking to hopkins
homestart dramas
chats with drew
chats with lisa
chats with mike
chats with jess
chats with paul
Piper's Crisps
In-pub blogger theology
'can you name all of Piper's children?'
...whoooaaaaaa... relay! dorelay dorelay dorelay'
reversing round a roundabout (it's ok, it was in wales)
the moon
the sun
chats with annie
being at drews
being at annies
being at home


mo is our fearless leader